Friday, October 31, 2014

Fab 5

These kids are our own little heros.... Many a day they have been saved by these faces. 
The Fab 5.

Thursday, October 30, 2014


Ashton you were student of the week! Here is your "about me" published in the class newsletter. I imagine teacher Jill was entertained during your interview. Papa Kristi promises you will have gas money.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Soapy Handles

Last night:

I learned bath time was almost an adventure to the ER.

Daddy learns to be careful not to snag the body.

Four year old learns not to insert objects into bum.


Yep, this bucket handle was inserted high enough that there was concern it would hook innards. Hysteria from the four year old and anxiety from the daddy. I speculate soapy water allows gliding what dryness immediately warns against…



The salt shaker is for size reference.