Sunday, December 19, 2010

My Apologies

I apologize. So much has happened that I have not kept up on over the course of the last two months. I am not going to be able to recall or recap all that I have not written, but I will do my best to highlight some of our events. Maybe this will make sense as to why I have been away….

Oct 24- Ashton you start pulling yourself up

Oct 31- Halloween: The Wizard of Oz theme

Nov 3- Last Boys will be Boys day at Pinecreek house.

Nov 4- Ashton you make it all the way up the stairs.

Nov 5- Homeowners: We received the keys to our first home! We received our keys at 4:30 meeting our agent, Troy at the house. We picked up a Papa Murphy’s pizza and had a carpet picnic in the living room to celebrate the occasion! Kaden, you love your bedroom. You show everyone your room. You are very proud of it. You actually give everyone the whole house tour!

Nov 6/7- House cleaning party: We received an abundance of love and help from friends and family for cleaning and moving!

Nov 7- Kayla’s baby shower: I hosted this with her sister-in-law Michelle.

Nov 13- Moving day: First night we sleep at the house.

Nov 14- ER Day: Dad had been sick for four days. He went to ER and has an intestinal infection (Salmonella). GG comes over and gives you your house warming gifts.

Nov 16- Kaden you discover Sparking Apple Cider. It is your new vice.

Nov 20: Migraine for Mom. I was laid out on the couch.

Nov 22/24- Thanksgiving baking

Nov 25- Thanksgiving with the Rardin’s at Great Great Grandma’s that GX2 made. We hosted Rardin’s Give Thanks Open House: We are hardly moved in and host an estimated 50 people through the evening. It was so much fun!

Nov 26- Smidge of mid-day Black Friday shopping with GG

Nov 27- Hosted first all ladies party: Pampered Chef for Darla

Nov 28- The Children’s Museum: Both of you had a busy fun filled day of running/crawling exploring and doing.

Nov 30- Ashton you have your 9 month appointment. I don't recall your exact measurements. Don't worry your info was documented in your baby book that day. It wasn't forgotten or lost... I remember you are 20lbs. This explains why I heave and ho to lift you in and out of the car. You big guy. Where is my baby?

Dec 1- Twelve Days of Christmas began with Kaden opening his special GG book and Ashton his ornament. It was also “Boys Will Be Boys Day” as Bryson came for the day. It was a day that I do remember so vividly. The three of you played mutiny like old professionals!

Dec 2- “Festival of December” kicks off with Zoo Lights

Dec 3- Bee and Kade make homemade ice cream sammies with the works

Dec 4- You double up in a cart for the first time. Babies no more.

Dec 8- “Boys Will Be Boys Day” Lil Bryson was all ours for the day

Dec 9- “Festival of December” PIR night

Dec 10- Dad takes Mom on a surprise date night. We enjoyed dinner and a hockey game! We learned skate lessons start at the age of two. I am thrilled! It was such a fun night out.

Dec 11- GG’s annual holiday party

Dec 12- Mom thought she was going to die

Dec 12/15: You two boys were very sick. You both had a cold that had you so congested you were throwing up all through the nights.

Dec 15: You boys are still sick, but being on day five of housebound was too much to bare. We drove through the DeLites of December.

Dec 16: “Festival of December” Aspen Meadow

Dec 17: Layla and Boo welcome BA2! I was asked to be at the hospital during her csection. I actually was the first person besides staff and parents to see him! 6lbs 13oz and 18inches long. Mom has baby fever. I asked Dad if he has the fever, too. It seems it isn't as contagious as I thought.

Dec 18: Milwaukie Christmas Ship and Bonfire. Mom packs away the baby frog jumper and pack and play out of the living room.

Dec 19: Meet Santa

I hope this list gives you a hint at just how busy we’ve been. This list is only of the BIGGER days. This doesn’t account for everyday life, unpacking or what my overly tired brain may have forgotten. Actually, my memory cannot be that bad. I simply looked through dates and recalled what we did that day vs reading it off of a schedule. I know. I impress you more and more.

I am back on track; and I am glad to hear the fast click of the keyboard keys once again. I was wishing for some time to get back to our journal, but days are not and never will be long enough. Life is about prioritizing. I cannot say that I didn’t have the time. We all have the time- always. It is how each of us chooses to use our time that matters. I chose to use the time doing other things. I will do my best to avoid making this mistake again.

Happy Festival of December, boys!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Holiday Cheer

It has been a season filled with much love and tradition. I can’t believe Christmas is upon us. It seems as though the calendar took a turbo pass through the months of November and December. I think this year we have more to be thankful then in years past. This is a blessing in of itself. As I see and hear so many people playing Scrooge or hearing the repetitive, “I just want it to be over. I hate it.” I cringe. As I wish for just one more week…

I would be happy for an extra day to enjoy the magic. The magic only this season brings.

I want to see your faces at the site of a lit holiday tree. I want to witness the pure joy and wonder the glimmer and shimmer brings.

I want to watch you, Kaden, at 6:30 in the morning choose the days 12 Days of Christmas package from your bag and then choose Ashton’s. You take the gifts to the living room and I set them on the mantel for evening to share in the delight with Dada and often GG. This year was filled with surprises from a photo book for Kade, Hallmark ornaments for you both and a ‘miscalculating’ penny bank for Sprite.

I want one more “Festival of December” hot cocoa event with TaTa. We drove PIR, Queen Anne (closed!), Zoo Lights (Kade for 9 days there after you’ve asked to see “oo iItes.”) and Aspen Meadow. We also checked out The Delights of December in Milwaukie and the Christmas Ship during the Bonfire. Next year we plan to rev it up with The Polar Express train ride.

I want one more “My First Christmas” onsies and silly Santa hat moment.
I want one more package to wrap, so Kaden you can pick out the best gift tag. You take so much thought as you look through the stickers. You even debate between a couple. When you choose you say the receivers name with pride and point. Even now this makes me smile.

I want one more day filled (literally from 6am until Daddy is home at 3:45) with holiday music. We dance and dance throughout the day. Ashton, you have even started finding your rhythm waving your hand in the air and giggle to a song.

I want one more day of Kaden asking to see lights after dinner. So, we load you boys up and drive around looking at houses between home and Gladstone.

I want one more day of hot buttered rums… well, okay I can have these well into the New Year.

I want one more day of hearing bells ringing outside the doors of the market. It is the Salvation Army. Kaden I give you the change from the cashier and a choice. You may put it in your penny bank or you may give it to the bell ringer. You have always chosen to put your change in the red ‘penny bank’ without hesitation.

I want one more day to catch the unexpected smell of cinnamon and pine.

I want one more day of Kaden asking or talking about ‘Sasa” (Santa). You call him on your cell phone. You speak about him through the day. You notice him in photos or packaging while we are running around town. He is your new friend.

I want one more day of listening to one of you boys opening “The Night Before Christmas” book GG recorded last year for the 12 Days of Christmas. I want to watch Kaden’s face as he hears GG’s voice read, “Merry Christmas Kaden; and to all a good night!” as each time is as if he heard it for the first time.

I want one more day to find an occasion to get all our loved ones together to celebrate our blessings.

I want one more day to tantalize the taste buds with Eggnog or Gingerbread Lattes.
I want one more day to sit in the early morning hours with the only light on in our home being the Christmas tree. We have enjoyed many buttered toast and juice breakfasts by the tree.

I want one more day…

I want one more day so others can take time to find the magic, too. It is here for us all to enjoy. We have all had a ‘bad’ year: tragedy, loss or life alterations. I know I have had my share of ‘hard’ years. However, at the end of the year I rekindle a newness brining peace and hope. This is what embodies the holiday; and I am so glad to feel it each and every single year.

I am looking forward to our holiday ahead. I know there is great wonder and exploration ahead. I am sure the wrapping paper will cover your little bodies ever so quickly. I am looking forward to bringing traditions your Dad has known as well as those I grew up with as we find our own along the way.

I want one more day to feel the magic. I do realize do indeed have more week, but this won’t be enough.