Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Who Are You?

Kaden, if someone asked me who you are at 14 months of age I would answer a perfect mix of your Dad and myself. You have developed a personality all your own; and you definitely own your personality! Daily I am in awe as to who you are becoming as a person.

You are first and foremost funny. You have a sense of humor that is quick and in time. You have silly looks and gestures. A child’s laugh is always contagious, but to hear your laughter turn into hysterics is something I cannot even describe. I can’t wait for you to share your jokes. I have a feeling you too, much like me, will be quick witted.

Much like your father and me, you are a study coming around in your own time attempting to try something new when you believe you can accomplish the task. I think you practice all your tricks in your crib before you unveil what you can do. It surprises me what you ‘do’ without notice. And by the way, Daddy and I are patiently waiting for your shock and awe walking abilities.

A stranger you have never known, for you are the epitome of a ‘people person’. It doesn’t seem to faze you that an unknown person may hold, look or speak to you. As long as you are gaining attention you are thrilled and befriending of them. Mister, I don’t think you know the meaning of separation anxiety! When you do learn to talk I imagine all the secrets you will share to the lady in front of us at the check out line. I see you spending time with Dad in the garage only to see all the people who will come and go from our home.

There are so many things I love about who you are, but what I like about you is your tender heart. As a busy explorer you will take time to come find me to give me a hug. I will feel your little arms wrap around my calf squeezing as your head lay against me. You may sit on a lap for 30 minutes without moving- if it involves a good cuddle. You love to be touched and love to feel. A sure sign that you are ready for bed is you begin to twist your hair. Dad use to do this as a child too!

Without a doubt you are stubborn or as I like to call you, determined. You have to get this headstrong trait from your father. You know exactly what the meaning of “no”, after all, I do say it 50 times a day. You even shake your head at me when I say “no”. Does this stop your actions? Nope. You keep towing the line and even look over at me as you do it. You, much like your father, know how to press my buttons!

You have strong interests too.

As Grandma Church and Grandma Rardin say, “You must belong to this family because you loooooove food.” You eat everything and I mean everything. If it is food you will eat it without question. There is very little you spit out or throw over your high chair (which indicates you are finished). You have inherited my sweet tooth and I indulge it far more than I should.

You enjoy to be read to. When we read you will sit and listen to three to four books at a sitting. You will turn the pages and point to different images on the page. I hope you keep this sense of wonder and enjoyment for words. Vocabulary is a powerful tool and when used correctly will bring you so much in life (education, communication, adventure, creativity and etc). When I finish reading you will often pick up a book and hand it to me, which I translate into wanting to hear me story tell once again. And of course we read it again.

As William Stafford once said, “Kids: they dance before they learn there is anything that isn't music.” Music and dance go hand-in-hand. So many of your toys play music (thanks to your loving family) and you will bounce and wiggle to the tune. You will be exploring and stop in your tracks if music is heard from the television. I can look at you and there you are bouncing and swaying. We can be driving and the music in the car has your head bobbing. Your ‘wiggle-wiggle’ as we call it makes me smile. It amazes me that a baby learns to dance before walking or talking. How do you know this pleasure comes from music and even more so, how do you know timing? If we adults took time out of our days to dance our world would be a happier place. I believe this!

You like a schedule. I don’t run a tight schedule, but we do have a schedule. You know that breakfast is followed by a bath. You will have your morning nap around the same time every day and your afternoon nap within the same hour each afternoon. “Night-night” is a strict 7ish. Dad and I don’t veer often from this bedtime, nor do you. You love to sleep. I love that you love to sleep.

The water is a real joy for you. I pour water over your head with a cup to wash your hair. As the water runs down your face you look at me with delight and laugh leaning forward for another douse. It makes me nervous how at ease you are in the water. I will suddenly find you splashing around as you lay there on your tummy and if I put you on your back to ‘float’ you think this is the best thing since bottle feeding. You simply have no fear of the water. I fear water and especially over my face. This is one reason that your Mama doesn’t know how to swim. I do hope this will change by the time you read this. It flabbergasts me every single day that you enjoy having water trickle down your face.

As I write this you are a little person; I think the little guy I see before me is a small version of the man who will one day read this. It is exciting to think of your future disposition and interests. Will there be parallel’s in today and tomorrow? In my professional Mom opinion the answer is yes. You are today a small version of who you will become tomorrow.

How lucky are we? Extremely.


  1. Since day 1 Kaden has had a sense of humor, When just a wee little thing he could be found giggling at somethign Cale would say to him, that usually did not make the slightest sense to us Big people. But the two of them would "chit chat"and then giggle and doing it all in some secret baby=kid code that only the two of them knew evidentally because I didnt "get" It.
    I'd ask Cale what he was talking about with his cuzzy Kaden- and his reply back usually was 'I was telling Kade I knock knock joke ;)"
    Then right as soon as Cale would answer my question of thier play there would be Kaden, looking at me as if to say "hey lady-shush!! yes, He is telling me a joke-so go mind your business and let us two FUN people Play" and then Kaden would quickly glance back at Cale hoping that Cale hadn't suddenly "tired" of thier joking fun. and of course Cale was not, because if he had an audience in his cuzzy Kaden, he'd go back at it again .. and again ;)
    That always made me giggle because at such early age Kaden was trying to have fun and be cool w/ another small person ;) ( have a short video of this back in june too)
    and Hey!You and I have another thing in common, One I didnt know about you till now?
    I too cannot swim. I was always so fearful-Never could handle being under water or water trickling anyplace near my face!
    hmm, Just thought of something about your fear of water Nicole!!I hope your fear does not stem from our "Baptism water play"
    I remember it well... "Baptising" you when you were in 1st grade. I would play as "Reverend Auntie Jana" and would help you to find Jesus Under water in your pool on 7th street,hmmmm. - I think I scarred you for life with that now didn't I? Ohh great!! ;)~~
    love you sugar.-again, an oustanding blog. I know someday your children are going to be sitting down with bevarage of thier choice together, while reading "moms diaries"(blogs) and having the TIME of thier lives learning all about you and all about what you thought of them in your loving words. I can so picture this ;)

  2. Stephanie Serres Nicole - Motherhood suits you well:)!!! You have always had a way with words and writing...I really enjoy reading your blog and getting a glimpse into your life and your family:) Kaden and baby #2 are very lucky to have such a great mama!!!
