Friday, October 9, 2009


I was wrapping up my evening and as I was getting up I felt a butterfly. I felt the sweet flutter of our unborn child! This extraordinary first can’t be explained. It is shared only by women who have felt this flurry. As expectant Mom’s we try to give illustrations as to this feeling. Frankly, I don’t think the examples come close.

I am so happy to finally feel the Sprite!

I am the first to admit: I do not find pregnancy and delivery beautiful. It could be my track record, but I just don’t. I never have. However, I do find joy in its newness. I have a different appreciation this ‘round’. When I know I will not experience an event or occasion again I have a different perspective and appreciation. We do not plan to have any more biological children. So, all these flutters and flurries are cherished just that bit more.

As I feel Littlest Rardin move I realize it is something only the two of us share. It is our secret. When I was pregnant with Kaden I couldn’t wait for Adam to feel his kicks and somersaults. This time I am being selfish; I delight knowing this is our moment. Life is chaotic right now. The Sprite’s flutters will be a great reminder for me to slow down and enjoy these long days.

I cannot feel Littlest Rardin’s moves externally, but each internal move has forever imprinted my heart. It is exactly 20 weeks to the day. I think this week Mom said it best, “Thank God for Mud Pies and Butterflies.”


1 comment:

  1. yay for flutters. I do agree that when you know something is going to be your last at experiencing it. You tend to think of it a bit differently. you do cherish it- not more than before, but in a very differnent way. Knowing it is not going to come about to you again..You relish in every little feeling that your heart will never forget.
    I am counting down those 20 more weeks to come . For that is when this Aunties heart will be fuller in knowing I will have not just one Rardin child in my life ..but TWO =) and that makes me thank my blessings.. Now, remember- take it easy ! As in less than 22 weeks now, you will be mommy to two ;)
    love you forever---J
