Friday, September 17, 2010

One Year and 85 Later

Today marks one year and 85 blogs of memories. Memories I have reread and therefore have been blessed to relive. In setting out to journal about our life it was to capsule both the big and small. Time fades our memory and in a year I have forgotten days and stories I sat down and read (and I wrote it!). I didn’t have an expectation of what I was setting out to do other than give you the gift of stored memories. I have surpassed my own expectations and have written far more than I imagined.

Life has a way of taking hold and people forget to put themselves on their own list. When I began ‘Mudpies and Butterflies’ back in September of 2009 it was for you. Through this period I have realized this journal is a gift to me, as well. It gives me scheduled time to relax, laugh and at times cry. I have been able to really live in the moment of our days. I’ve reminded myself how much pleasure I find in writing. It is my hobby; and I set it aside far too long.

Writing gives me raw time to think, question and answer. I thought I was questioning myself to find answers to later pass along to you. In doing so I have come to know myself more and challenge myself to improve who I am for not only you, but for Dad and myself. It has taken one year of chronicling our days to learn what I have created is a story the journey of motherhood in order to give you your story. This was my revelation last night.

I have been unable to include everything that is touching, funny and historic. I have to make priorities and unfortunately there are days when writing doesn’t make this list. There are periods when days turn into weeks. I fall behind. I want to write in current time, so my memory doesn’t embellish. We have experienced great get-a-ways with Auntie L and the Glovers. Kaden you have coffee talks with Papa out on the patio. Ashton you scare in a crowd, which became obvious at both Bee and Kade’s birthday parties. You have met Auntie Gina and Hanna. I didn’t have the energy to include my period of postpartum. I have not been able to document our adventures in house buying. It has been a full year and in your hands you hold most of it!

My surprise isn’t the 85 entries, but the amount of support and readership ‘Mudpies and Butterflies’ receives. I post our story on a social network site. People have mailed me as well as posted comments to the different entries. I took time last night and copied each comment from the site attaching it to the correct entry on the blog. I think it is important you experience these notes. I encourage anyone to write to you or include a sidebar on what I have shared. Jana has shared here. Have included works from GG, too. It will be nice to visit there memory and perspective in the years ahead.

To answer the most common question- No I do not complete rewrites of the entries. It is what it is. This is why there are spelling errors, half thoughts and imperfections. I write as time allows and at times it is a short amount of time to cpmplete a large flow of thought. Periodically, I am asked what my plan is for this journal. I have been encouraged to seek publication. Some have requested I start a newspaper column. I have received multiple offers to write for different blogs, which I have turned down.

One year later and 85 entries later my mission remains the same. As Francis Bacon advices, I will continue to “write down the thoughts of the moment. Those that come unsought are commonly the most valuable.” Mud Pies and Butterflies has great value, for it is our family’s memory. In time it will house the key to our past. Today I celebrate ‘Mudpies and Butterflies’ unlocking the memory of one full year.

Here is to moving forward and still holding tight.


*If you read the blog, I encourage you to sign up as a ‘Follower’ on the left side panel. As you know you do not need to do this to continue reading ‘Mudpies and Butterflies’. Once you become a Follower you do not receive anything, nor are you spammed. It is a tool to help gage readership as well as help in the future needs for our memory bank.*


  1. I still see this coming out in print for all the world to enjoy someday... These words you write have blessed us all. BUT!!!...maybe it is just that this will be A wonderful blog that is shared w/ just the ones who love you all the most. For us all to ooh and ahh at the wonderful life these two lil boys are enjoying. I for one am so blessed and happy each time I See another "Mudpies & Butterflies" blog-post.. it's my secret lil joy..(*okay its not so secret now, to those that are on Nicoles facebook, I am more than vocal w/ my love of these blogs) ...Love, Auntie, J

  2. Nicole,
    Your first night home alone with Kaden after his birth, you sent me a txt message that said "Mom, I finally know your heart." Well, my daughter, I know your heart - and I adore it !!!!!!
    If you remember, your blog actually started before the 85th one....via email... and I have those first two "picaso's" that no one else has privy too....

  3. See... I just knew you would be shining bright because of your wonderful way with your gift of word/knowledge etc.. because of this wonderful blog,your testimonial to the love you share with your children. It opened doors. Its 2015 now as I write this, and you performed on stage for "Listen to your Mother" and your words, your sharing your story changed lives. It all started with you having a wonderful blog here and then the courage to face the world head on with who you are and what you are becoming.. I see much greatness in your story. Many more chapters of greatness, and I just always saw this day coming for your mama because she is not ordinary, but Extraordinary, and her stories inspire many. They inspire me!! Xo

  4. See... I just knew you would be shining bright because of your wonderful way with your gift of word/knowledge etc.. because of this wonderful blog,your testimonial to the love you share with your children. It opened doors. Its 2015 now as I write this, and you performed on stage for "Listen to your Mother" and your words, your sharing your story changed lives. It all started with you having a wonderful blog here and then the courage to face the world head on with who you are and what you are becoming.. I see much greatness in your story. Many more chapters of greatness, and I just always saw this day coming for your mama because she is not ordinary, but Extraordinary, and her stories inspire many. They inspire me!! Xo
