We celebrated your birthday at Tanner Creek. This is the same park your ”Fun of One” party was hosted. Due to the rain the park closed the water feature for the season. There is a play area near the shelter. We (okay, I) chose your theme: Tonka Construction. You like dump trucks, tractors and etc, so it is fitting. We decided not to give goodie bags, but to provide your guests with yellow construction hats. They had the option to decorate their hat with paint, glitter glue, foam construction stickers or Sharpies (I am THAT cool!). We also brought in a small pool filled it with sand and put a few construction trucks and digging tools to play. The cake was your favorite: Banana Bavarian Crème filling with whipping cream frosting.
We will have your second birthday pictures taken with the Tonka truck Great Grandpa and Grandma Rardin gave you. You will wear the Carhartt sweatshirt and tee you received from Robert. It is going to be adorable! Our family is going to enjoy the year membership to The Children’s Museum from the Jones’. And of course Great Papa made a train for you, which will sit on a shelf. So lucky for your The River’s gifted you a fantastic train that you can build with blocks. Each gift you opened you turned around to “Ta Ta” and “GG” and said, “Off. Off.” The funny moment was after you opened “Dawa’s” gift of two motorcycles with a truck and trailer. You put the bike (hot wheel size) on the ground and literally tried to ride it! The crowd laughed so hard. The big reveal was your Harley bike from Papa and Grandma Kristi. Dad pushed as you rode around saying “ank ewe” to each of your guests.
Since the party you have been a Picasso coloring in the color book from the Newman’s with the art supplies and desk from GG. You cuddle up with Cookie Monster during Sesame Street from the Adams and want to read the ‘pee-pee’ book every night before bed that they gave you, too. You walk around squishing a singing dog from Aunt Jana and look forward to playing golf. You were hesitant to use your drill as it is a ‘no no’ in the garage. It took some coaxing, but now you build the days away, thank you Fradenburgs. You have enjoyed bath time with the characters from Toy Story the Newman’s kindly gave to you. I listen to static all day from the walkie-talkies “Ta Ta” gave you and fight you tooth and nail to keep the lawn mower outside. The tape measure stays in your pocket and the bath paint in the closet until Ta-ta comes to play! Dave and Megan scored on the cars. They make noise and light up. You sit outside and drive them under and over things.
It was great to see Janet and special to have your Great Great Grandma and Aunt there. Your Gx2’s get such a kick out of you! Uncle Jake looks forward to playing baseball (Go, lefty!), so he will help you defeat the tball set he got you. As always, it is delightful to see the Molner’s.
You have no idea how lucky you are in love. You have so many people who care for you. It warms my heart how special you are to so many. You shared in special moments with lots of different people throughout your day. Different individuals took you to the playground as well as crafted hats with you. When the time came we sang happy birthday and you blew out your candles in one breath. May all your wishes and dreams come true!
“Ta-ta” and GG came through (as always). GG brought me a coffee early in the morning to get the party planner awake in me. And “Ta-ta” arrived at 9:30 to help me get it together, hang signs and set up as Dad worked until 11:00. GG ran last minute errands and helped Ta-ta in tear down duty. Phew. It takes a crew to get these events up and down; and I would not have it any other way!
It is an honor to host your party. It is a time to celebrate you, your birth and life to date. I hope you enjoy this tradition as much we do! I ‘dig’ you being two and really do believe it will be ‘loads’ of fun.

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