I sit and watch you with great anticipation.
There you go… awe, darn. Oh, oh, oh. You almost have it. Up up, there you go! Almost, buddy. Uh, uh, oh those darn hands. Keep going, go, go, go…
Any day you are going to start crawling. You have been rolling about since you were four months old and have zip zoomed around the house faster than I can catch you! The army crawl started about a month ago. You have been getting up on all fours for a couple of weeks. Today, you have started to rock it. You rock back and forward. You have taken a few scoots backwards, but I have not seen you travel by knee in the forward direction.
Daddy and I know we will soon have a crawler on the floor. I am not ready for this milestone. I am so not ready to let you go into the world alone (even if it is in our living room)! I had to pose the following question, “Is it wrong to push Ashton down during his crawling attempts?” And I have to share there was great support in keeping you tummy up. I am not against you being mobile for logistical reasons, but rather emotional reasons.
But as Mom’s do I cheer you on. I help you to find the balance and build the muscle needed to crawl. I swallow the lump in my throat and find the words of encouragement to applaud your efforts. But secretly, I imagine lightly tapping you back down to the ground. And I am quickly brought back down to my own reality as I see you in position a little bit longer with your tongue out for concentration. I am proud, glad for you and excited for us. You are prepared for this milestone. I am simply not prepared to let my baby set out and go, go, go.
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