Monday, February 22, 2010


Adam and I went to Portland Providence for an induction on Feb 22nd. We loaded up the car as though we were going on vacation. Okay, I packed up the bags (tiara, check. Baby book; check. Fuzzy socks; check. Playing cards; check. C.D.s; check and ect...) as though I was spending a week on vacation and Adam just loaded all into the car. We headed off to Club Providence with the unreal feeling that the next time we are home we will be a family of four.

We got into our luxury delivery suite (which was only doors down from the Jacuzzi tub) and waited for the nurse to begin the procedure of Cervidil. Cervidil is an insertion medication to soften the cervix to kick start labor. When I was admitted I was at a 2/3 and 70%. Our plan was I would rest peacefully for our upcoming big day and Adam would go home and care for Kaden. To be honest, I was looking forward to my sleeping drug…to have a sleep filled night is what my (very few) dreams are made of!

Cervidil inserted. Contractions begin and become ramped up quickly.

The contractions came on quickly and with a great intensity. Here we go we thought… We could tell the nurse was nervous to have Adam leave. She kept saying, “How far away do you live?” “Have you decided if you will be staying here?” and finally she says “She is going to go tonight.” Adam and I were ready. As each contraction grew closer and closer the excitement grew for Adam and me. I was breathing deeper and going inside myself to find my focus. In an hour the Cervidil seemed to be doing its job, but hours early. Finally, something was in my favor… a favorably quick delivery. We had everyone on standby. Auntie L came to the hospital and in an instant knew she was camping out all night. This baby was coming…

The nurse consulted with the midwife (Patti) who asked her to pull the medication. The fear was it would soon begin to make my body go into full active labor in a short amount of time. Trust me; no woman wants their body to be forced from 2 to 10 in a short amount of time! My body was beginning to do exactly what it needed to birth and it was time to let it do its job. This is it… we are going to have a baby in our arms come breakfast! I was promised a baby by dinner, but hey I was more than willing to pull an all ‘nighter’ to get the job done! I lie there and hearing the beeping of the monitor as we listen to the heartbeat of our unborn.

I send Adam to go with Lynda to grab a bite to eat. Food equals energy… we all knew they would need endurance. I wait to feel the cramping I had come to expect every few minutes. I close my eyes for it is like watching for water to boil. Nothing. I move to my side. Let us kick up the party is what kept running through my mind. I figured if I moved around it would stir the baby and get us back on the monitor. I keep watch of the monitor. Nothing. The lines are not climbing. It is becoming weaker and the contractions are becoming wimpy.

Basically, when the nurse pulled the Cervidil she pulled the plug on my labor.

The prize for all my patience was an Ambien and a trip to the Jacuzzi. I was told not to stay in longer than 30 minutes. One foot in the tub and I entered a little bit of Heaven. As I sat down in the warm water it was certain I was at Club Providence. Of course being concerned about my hair I sat straight up not to get any of it wet. I had to keep in mind I have a shorter style and should I go into labor I was avoiding creating bed head! The sleeping pill started to kick in. I was floating in mind, body and spirit. Club Providence take me away…

10 blissful minutes passed and my husband begins to insist I get out. I was drifting off to meet the Sandman. I fought him for a half-a-second and realized I couldn’t stay focused on my argument. He won. I was getting ready to get out and thought I’d help the nurse and drain the water. My personality type is one who cleans up regardless if I am dining at a restaurant or staying at a hotel. It is nice to make ones job easier vs. difficult. It takes only a few minutes to do as you would in your own home to pick up your garbage and linens.

Anyway, I look for a drain release. I see a button. I push down as hard as I can. “Whoosh!” in full force water comes from out of a jet in a stream so large it hits the far wall and drenches my hair. I gasp or was it a screech? Adam moves as fast as he can to cover the jet with his hand. This move has the water spray my face. I fumbled to find the button to turn it off. I feared it would turn on another jet and surely drown me. Adam is laughing so hard he has tears. Frowning all I could say, “My HAIR! My HAIR!” Club Providence my ass the joint is trying to kill me. It gave a whole new meaning to “sink or swim,” but did it have to be in the maternity ward?

Once Adam gains his composure he grants me a few more minutes in the tub. As he sees it I am no longer relaxed and deserve a few more minutes to unwind from my “sink or swim” moment. Once we are back to the suite the contractions officially flat lined.

It is 2:30 in the a.m. and the 6:30 am Pitocin festivity is quickly approaching.

Lynda left a couple hours before the Jacuzzi event and Adam sacked out on the couch. I had sugar plumbs dancing in my head… I am sure this is my last restful slumber for many nights to come…

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