Monday, February 1, 2010


I don't know how many expectant Mom's have a birthing plan. Adam and I had a plan when we delivered Kaden. The key is that things change and so must the plan. I couldn't be to attatched to what we had 'planned' for circumstance as well as mood change quickly.

We took Kaden's plan and revamped it for this birth.

Nicole Rardin’s Birthing Plan

Remain home as long as safe and comfortable.

No IV unless necessary. It takes several attempts to be successful. Becky recommended that I let the nurse know after one attempt to call the techs due to the difficulty we have had these last months.

Hospital Room: low light, focal points (from home), ipod and aromatherapy.

No cell phone usage in room during labor.

Presence of the following during labor/delivery: Adam (husband) and Teri (mom) Lynda (Aunt), Teresa ( mother-in-law ) and Inez (grandma) to be present as well. This team was critical in the success of my natural birth.

If allowed, visitors may visit during labor until I determine otherwise.

Okay, done is my term to clear the room of visitors (excluding Adam).

Mobility is the utmost importance. I am planning for another natural birth. Pain relief: movement, touch and water. I would like a room with a tub and use the Jacuzzi for relief. Please keep me moving… Adam is a great support with words and touch!

I would like to avoid an epidural. DO NOT OFFER ANY PAIN RELIEF! IF I ASK, PLEASE ASK ME IF I AM WILLING TO GIVE UP MOBILITY FOR THE DURATION OF LABOR. Adam and Mom are well aware of this from my last birth.

I decline the use of mirrors, touch or viewing of my delivery.

Adam will cut the cord.

Please clean baby prior to handing to me.

Adam will announce the birth to visitors.

All repair work, baby check and those present in the room have held baby before other visitors are allowed into room. We will then have 1-2 people in at a time to meet baby.

We have a special welcome for baby; IF a nurse is available to videotape this short family moment we will be appreciative. It includes all the family present after delivery...

If baby is a boy we request a circumcision. Our pediatrician does not visit Providence or perform this procedure in his office.

Adam would like to participate with the ink prints.

We will formula feed: Similac.

Visitor hours while recovering: 10am to 8pm to ensure rest.

Mom and baby to be released asap

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