To bestow without receiving a return is the meaning of giving. Christmas is a time when society puts a great deal of focus on helping others; I have tried to pay it forward when opportunities arise throughout the year. I am thrilled that Adam has this same outlook. We will raise our children with the importance of this understanding.
This year we gave 20 board games, two potato heads, Leap Frog Scout and some other toys to a local organization through O.I.W. Regardless of what we decide to give during the holiday we always drop a toy or two off for Toys for Tots. However, this year it seemed important to keep the giving in our local community. We discussed comforters for a shelter, sweaters and boots for a women’s shelter and even buying hygiene needs for the homeless. However, this year we really wanted to keep our gift local. These toys will be played with right here in Milwaukie.
Kaden is one and has far to many toys. Adam and I are firm that before each birthday and Christmas our children will have to round-up (perhaps a brown bag or garbage bag) toys they would like to donate. They will also take part in helping us to clean out closets and dressers at the end of summer and winter. They will participate in taking these items where we choose, as a family.
We want our kid’s character to be one of giving without asking. Fundamentally, we do hope this plan will help to incorporate the action. At first it will be a challenge for them to comprehend, but over time, conversations and repetition it will convert into an act of helping without even thinking of their own self gain (give to receive at Christmas/birthdays). As they grow they will have an appreciation for what they have as well as finding pleasure in simply paying their good fortune forward.
Adam and I count our blessings every day. If we had to choose only one lesson to impart on our children it would be that they too know their good fortune. Along with this they make the choice to pass along what they are able to afford in materials and/or time to those who are not as privileged because it is in their kind hearts not guilty minds.
Cole~ We do the same thing with the brown bagging up the old and in w/ the new. We literally had over 12 brown bags(because we were out of plastic ones) lol. that were brought over to Good will. We could have chose another facility for them to go too, but it was nearby and where our van could take us lol. But I too believe as you..Is better to give than recieve. I hope, I mean I pray at some point all my boys realize this and take this on their own and give when they are older too. Your a good momma Nicole, and good person all around -and I am so happy you are raising those kiddos with the core values that will help them develope such wonderful life skills. Your kids benefit so much from your loving character..xoxo always