Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Mommy List

I keep a journal. Through this journal, I have marked tips that have made my life and family’s life a bit easier. As my girlfriends have entered the sisterhood of motherhood I have decided to list tips helping to pay forward all the kindnesses I received as a brand new Mom and include this in their card. I also include in their gift many of the items I list. My hope is in sharing this list my lady friends have been or will be able to pay forward the list adding their own tricks and know how. I am a believer that it doesn’t take a village to raise a child, but to care for a new mom.

As I re-enter this journey I have revisited my list. I have already forgotten some things! I am grateful I kept a record.


Pack clothes for the hospital that fit you during month 4 of your pregnancy.

If you are not breastfeeding (or unsure) pack a bra without under wire one size smaller than your pre-pregnancy cup. Just as our pregnancy and labor/delivery are different experiences so is the process of the milk arriving and dry up.

Buy several frozen dinners or prepare many freezer friendly meals in advance. This allows a quick and easy (prep and clean up) when day suddenly turns to night. Food is so important it keeps your energy level up when you are sleep deprived. I actually am a fan of the 9x13 rule… anyone who visits must bring a meal in a 9x13 pan!

Have a healthy stock of thank you cards and stamps!

Every time you shop at the market buy one package of diapers beginning the second trimester. You will be so happy you did this. Mix it up between NB, 1 and 2. We didn’t buy diapers after Kaden was born for 4 months… at this time I started being one to two packages ahead.

Have formula at home regardless of breastfeeding choice.

Have ibuprofen in your home. You will probably take 800 mg (4 tablets) every 8/12 hours after returning home for a period of time. This will help the swelling and cramping.

Call pediatricians office: Does pediatrician make hospital calls to your delivering hospital? Perform circumcisions if it is a boy?

If pediatrician doesn’t perform circumcision does your midwife/OBGYN?

Know if your insurance covers the entire cost of a circumcision. Some companies consider this a cosmetic alteration and do not cover the procedure.

If insurance doesn’t cover the procedure is it less expensive to take baby to the doctor’s office? For example: Providence charges $600.00 for their midwife to perform. To use a pediatrician Providence charges a ‘use’ fee of $300 on top of the pediatrician’s fees. Going to the doctor’s office 3 days later cost a total of $100.00. We saved $500.00 from our pockets.

Buy a large package of pads and panty liners for your home.

Adjust the straps to the car seat and properly install in the car at week 38. You want to know how the seat works having it secure before going to the hospital. The nurse will not let you leave until it is inspected.

Pack insurance information to alert company of baby arrival. Bring pediatricians number to give to nursing staff if they are able to come to hospital to perform checkup.


If Daddy chooses not to cut the cord who says Grandma or someone else can’t? Think of it symbolizing the circle of life! How remarkable to share with a grandparent that the family has come full circle.

If you are formula feeding let the nurse know the brand. They will begin baby on this formula.

Have the hospital call pediatrician to come to hospital for checkup. He/she will also perform the circumcision if they practice this procedure.

Dad can help the nurse with the foot and hand prints. It gives him something special to all his own.

Visitors come at all hours. Make the staff the bad people! If you become overwhelmed have a code that Dad (and other support people) knows when it is time to find a nurse to clear the room or turn away new comers. The nurse will find a reason.

This is your baby. Do not feel bad about your care choices! For example: ask people to wash their hands before holding the baby. Remind people not to be a baby ‘hog’ if others are there to see baby. If someone smells of smoke tell them to strip on down or come back later. If for whatever reason you do not want baby held by others speak up.

When at the hospital take (don’t even ask) 2 receiving blankets home. These are the best swaddling blankets as well as a perfect weight. Pack one right in your bag and the other will be wrapped around baby when you leave.

Ask for 2 (or more) hospital pacifiers. These can’t be beat.

If you're formula feeding ask the nurse for both formula and extra nipples for home. They will provide you with a fair amount.

When you pack to go home take the diapers and wipes too. These items are thrown out because they are no longer sterile. Take the aspirator, Johnson and Johnson baby soap, comb and etc. It all gets tossed. The blue hospital aspirator is superior to those in the kits!

Ask the nurse for a good supply of pads.

If you are uncomfortable wearing panties ask for a few pairs of gauze ones to take home. Be sure they are size small!

If you do not breastfeed do not stimulate your breasts in any way. Do not let any water in the shower pulsate. Keep your back to the water! I stayed wrapped for 3 solid days.


Always accept the help offered to you. If someone wants to clean a bathroom or fold laundry let them. It gives you time to spend with your baby or rest.

Have the 9x13 rule. If anyone asks what they can do or bring ask them to bring a 9x13 pan of something ready to bake. I am serious.

Rest. If you can’t sleep lay down and at least rest. Let Dad learn to comfort baby too. This pays off!

Have bottles measured with formula and the nipple upside down into bottle for night time. All you will need is to add the water, shake and feed. So much help.

Use room temp water for bottle prep. You will be so grateful when you are half asleep or on the go that baby drinks at this temp vs having to warm the water first.

If you do not want company tell them. But be honest, so people don’t worry. There is no shame or guilt in taking time to adjust. It is exciting to have your new family home!

Have at least one person (outside of Dad) you check in with every day. If you do not return anyone else’s phone calls always call or text this person back. Have this person be your safe person. If you have a bad day be honest. Feel free to talk to this person open and honestly. Postpartum is serious. It can be 6 months before it affects new moms. There is no embarrassment in postpartum. Be real about what is happening and seek help immediately.

The first few outings of running errands and/or shopping take someone with you. A new mother’s body is truly healing in needing its time to recover. You may physically tire easily; begin heavy bleeding or severe cramping without notice. I was exhausted my first real day out on day seven of postpartum.

Keep a tote packed with diapers, wipes, outfits, burp cloth, bottle and etc ready to go in baby’s room. As baby stays for visits it is much easier to leave a bag other than your diaper bag which has your organization and knowledge of what is returned and what is dirty.

Keep extra diapers and wipes in all vehicles. Diaper bags only hold so much! Dad should have his own bag, too.

If baby will be spending great amount of time at someone else’s home have the typical items there for use. It makes life so much easier to go to Grandma’s when diapers, formula, a pacifier, blankets and etc is already there. You get to just go…

Keep a Tide pen in your diaper bag. This helps eliminate stains.

We love NB Pampers. There is a line that vertically that changes color when baby is wet.

Kirkland (Costco) wipes are great… a huge box of over 700 for $15.00.

Use a lingerie bag to wash baby socks. They will go missing in the laundry.

Vaseline is natural. It has been recommended (to me) by a few pediatricians to use this vs. ointments or creams. It shields wicking moisture. Kaden has had a run of tummy issues and never a rash. It is far more economical too.

If you warm the formula or baby food baby learns this expectation. What do you do when baby is hungry and there is no place to warm milk or puree? Hot tap water for milk as well as both fridge and room temp for purees eliminates a ‘picky’ eater.

I keep bottled water in the diaper bag. Kaden doesn’t mind room temperature formula! Easy.

Using different pacifier brands at the very beginning helps deter brand preference.

Baby will remove a pacifier from accidentally pulling on the loop. The Mam brand doesn’t have the loop. It saves all from frustration!

Have a professional bra fitting 4-6 weeks after bringing home baby. You don’t have to buy a bra at Nordstrom’s, but the ladies have proper training to fit you. They are proven to be the best fitters. It will make a difference.

Hanging a bag (i.e. mesh) on the highchair is a convenient way to store bibs.

Johnson and Johnson Vapor body wash is great to use for congested children.

Disposable washcloths are the best invention ever! It makes a bath easy when time is short or smelly baby needs say bath number 3 or 4 of the day! These are still a favorite of ours. We used during camping and times when Kaden has been ill.

For all baby items needing batteries write the size on the outside of the battery cover. Each toy, bouncer, mat and the like uses a different size. This will save you time from unscrewing and help with your battery stock.

If a toy can fit through the hole of a toilet paper roll or paper towel roll it can fit down baby’s throat.

In case of a diaper explosion or vomiting in the crib double-up and layer 2 fitted sheets. You can remove the dirty linens not having to remake the bed in the middle of the night! For example: mattress, sheet, mattress cover and sheet.

Shop a season ahead for Baby. For example: Summer apparel is a great price right now. Why pay $18.00 for a pair of shorts when it is $4.00 now? Regardless I will have to buy clothes every few months. I choose to be ahead of the game instead of buying now. It is worth the savings.

Also, if you know you will have an event requiring winter clothes in the summer or summer clothes in the winter stock up at the end of the season. Sweatshirts are hard to find come late spring and throughout summer, but we need these for camping!

Take your own time away from family. Go for a walk. Have a pop, coffee or water with a friend. You don’t have to be gone long, but take time. It will refresh you.

I receive incredible deals via the internet. Belong to a blog.

Celebrate your family every single day.

1 comment:

  1. Great list, If you don't mind, I'd love to share this with my mommy loop? we have 5 preggo's expecting around summer time and while these are veteran mommies, I am sure they could pick up something new and needed through this great list..=) xoxo J
