Every year we search out the perfect pumpkin patch. We leave thinking that THIS cannot be it. The next fall rolls around and we begin the great search again. This year I think it is unanimous and we found The Pumpkin Patch. Yes, that is its name. What a great day out at Sauvie’s Island.
Of course we had to dress in themed black and orange colors. It is a fun day, so why not make the most of it and go themed. I cannot wait until the boys are older and they can go in a Halloween costume. I am still surprised that Adam wears his orange and black without complaint. GG, Bee and Ta-Ta came in their Halloween garb. Papa and Cheryl joined in and went black. Fun!
We decided to go early. I wanted to beat any afternoon rush. And boy, were we glad for our 10 am arrival. There is so much to do and see. Thankfully we got through most of the activities that had lines before there was a wait. We figured out our plan and went for it.
Kaden you were drawn to the big John Deere tractor. You and Dad climbed on up for a ‘drive’. We headed into the barn to see the animals. Ashton watched the Quail and Kaden you watched the rabbits. You made the correct animal noises as you saw the different animals. It is so funny to hear! The big adventure was the hay ride. This year Ashton and Papa sat it out. The rest of us hoisted ourselves up onto the bed and into the patch we went.
There were many times I thought we were going to lose GG right off of the side. Her hay bail was slipping off to the side and it was a rough ride bouncing her all about. Poor little Brooklyn sad on her lap and as I thought I was slipping grabbed her leg to keep me steady. As if her 28lbs is going to keep my butt on the truck? It was a reaction- nothing personal, Bee! The ride stopped in the middle of the patch. One would think that this would be the purpose of going to the pumpkin patch- to pick a pumpkin. WRONG. We sat on the truck as the pickers loaded up their great pumpkins. We carried on with the ride and got off. Perhaps, one year we will join in this picking tradition, but for now we will buy clean pumpkins (out of crates) from the pumpkin patch store.
There was a little kid’s cow train for Bee and Kade to ride. You both passed. And we moved on to delicious snacks and food. Holy smacks, who would guess that the pumpkin patch would have such great food fair? We enjoyed pork sandwiches, hot dogs, fresh picked ears of corn, kettle corn and soda. I played with Bee and Kade in the U-Pick garden. Bee thought this ‘secret garden’ was the best. She ran through the rows yelling, “You can’t catch me, Auntie Cole.” She is right. I couldn’t. Three year olds must have super grip shoes and stealth speed to survive without incident on the slippery Oregon ground. She took Auntie L and then Cheryl for a long look and smelling adventure as the rest of us finished up our snacks.
I don’t think any of us have ever experienced a corn maze until this year. What a hoot. I can share that I could see us lost all day long. Then again, as the three year old has super grip shoes and stealth speed why wouldn’t she have internal GPS? She guided us to turn left and right as we made our way through the first half of the maze. And I kid you not; she got us to the center of the heart. The theme of the maze: The Heart of Oregon. We rang the bell (many many) times to announce we made it to the center.
We head out to conquer the second half. I cannot remember if we led ourselves back to the hearts center once or twice. Needless to say we got lost. I wonder how many times one person or group as returned to the center trying to find the exit. Papa decided to take charge and get us out. He got us turned around one time and then straight to the exit. The wrong exit as he took us back to the beginning entrance! We all had our fun at his expense. I guess only three year olds do come with GPS units.
We headed over to the pick-your-pumpkin-out-of-a -crate area. Bee and Kade were enthralled with the mini pumpkins. “Awe, baby” and gave loves, rubs and kisses before throwing back into the group. Adam and I picked out the pumpkins for Kaden’s Annual Pumpkin Party. It was time to go and a challenge to get the tots steered away from the baby pumpkin crate.
It was a great fall day and an ideal pumpkin patch temperature. We left as the crowds were trying to make their way in. It was just what our family needed- to play, enjoy and laugh. But who wouldn’t need that kind of day? Good thing it is the beginning of my favorite time of year… many of these types of days are upon us through the end of the year!

Kaden.... You were so firm in your desire to have Cheryl hold your hand from the minute we got to the Pumpkin Patch.. I and Ta-Ta could have had our feeelings hurt...but we did not.... because you feel love from her... and that is my hope every step of your life.... that you feel love....with every single person that enters your life....Thank you Cheryl.... for making him feel the love.....