I have a list of things I want to do before I come to the end of my journey. And since moving back ‘home’ I have an adventure partner to seek out the Best of Portland in parks, experiences and sites. Auntie L and I seek out what we have always wanted to do in the area, but for whatever reason have never gotten around to doing. These past four years we have been making a conscience effort to really grab a hold of Portland and its beauty. Today, we took Kaden and Aston to an apple orchard to pick apples.
I had romanticized picking buckets and buckets of apples. I planned to take these many pounds of handpicked locally grown apples and make muffins and sauces thus stocking the freezer for the year. I was going to make baby food and live off the land! Then reality struck. We brought two kids and one Civic with limited space. It was just Auntie L and I and we quickly realized we needed four extra limbs per body to simply get down to the orchard well enough get the apples back to the car.
Once we made it down the dirt and grass trail there in front of us were beautiful apple trees. But I must share immediately going down the trail it was soon too obvious that I needed a wagon NOT a stroller for the terrain. This epiphany allowed us to understand the employee’s raised eyebrow look towards us as we strolled in! After pushing pulling and a whole lot of sweat and swearing we made it to the apple gold mine. There were 80 varieties amongst 100s of trees. And to be honest, most of the varieties we’d never heard of before this moment.
I thought for sure this would be something Kaden would enjoy. Acres and acres of open land to run about all he wanted. He loves apples, so surely he would be delighted to be in the trees, right? How wrong I was. It seems he wanted to be two today and bring along all the tantrum, whining and disinterest a two year old has in their little bodies. He whined, cried and complained most of the time. He wanted held and carried. So, as all good mom’s do I ignored him.
Ashton was pretty happy gumming his apple. He was happy in his bucket eating away at his fruit. Auntie and I plucked away. Kaden crabbed more and more. I found a ladder and this sparked more of his interest. He is definitely job oriented. If he has a purpose in something he is onboard and thrilled. So, I climb the ladder and hand off the apples to him to put in the bucket. This idea came to me as seamless and ingenious. I will have my apples and he is entertained. I hear thuds into the bucket as each one is being thrown with great two year old might. So, we switch.
I let him stand on the ladder to help me pick. This works great until I see Ashton needing my help. To ask Kaden to leave the ladder was the end of the world. But eventually we pried his white knuckle safely from the metal bars and off we came. All I can think is why our aunt chooses to continue the dates with us? I mean really! It is more work than play on these types of ‘days’. God bless her, for she is so patient and easy going.
As our buckets are filling we wonder how we will push, pull and carry the stroller, two apple buckets and Kaden back to the store. Going out was far easier than going in. Why is that? It always seems like forever to go somewhere, but licitly split to get back. Whatever the reason I am thankful! We picked shy of 16lbs of apples and most were Lynda’s. I didn’t pick enough to complete my Martha Stewart list of goodies, but the day was worth it. We now know what to plan for next year.
I have decided that each new place, festival and experience together is a trial run. We check it out and get a feel for what it is. We then make a plan for our return. The best part of these adventures is the fun I have with Auntie L cannot be surpassed. Murphy’s Law is usually following us, which makes for more laughter and appreciation.

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