Why is it when you cannot understand someone you talk louder? I do this. It annoys me. I annoy me. Anyway, I am standing in front of the cookies noticing my inside shopping voice is becoming louder and louder as I try to make out what Mister is saying. “Poo. Poo. Poo. Mama.” And then I hear Adam, “Tell mama what you did on the potty.” I take a step back and in an outside yelling in the playground voice say, “You went poo, Kade? You went poo in the potty?” I notice there are people around. And I start to talk a bit quieter. The excitement is electrifying. He replies with his famous, “Uh-huh.” And I take a little victory jump into the air and as I come down slap my leg with joy telling him, “It is a red letter day, dude!”
Again, I notice people in the aisle. A woman is smiling ear-to-ear at me. Two teenagers are giggling as they past me and the guy says, “Cool. That’s cool.” And I see another woman lifting her cane in the air wiggling it for his success. I continue the phone call telling him how proud I am. I cannot believe he went poo-poo on the potty. I cannot believe I was not there. I tell Adam to take a picture for me. It is a must in any baby book. It is monumental.
I hang up the phone with my now pooping in the toilet toddler and look at the women still in the aisle. I say with a loud whisper, “It is my baby… silly, but so exciting!” The woman with the cane explained it was indeed a red letter day and to tell him Lisa is proud of him too! She couldn’t leave the aisle until she heard the end of the conversation. How neat!
It is about darn time Kaden begins to poo where it belongs. Phew. Is this a sign for easier days ahead? Whatever it is I am thrilled he did this without coaxing, so I guess like all good things we just have to wait and it will come. We have officially had poo-poo in the potty success.

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