You are a quarter of a year old! How quickly three months passes by. I can hardly believe we are entering the milestones that we are. It is one of my most favorite times as a Mom. I love this age and the stage of learning and growth. Three months old is so brand new, but it still feels like you have been with us since the beginning.
You celebrated your 3 month day with rolling over from tummy to back over-and-over. I thought it a fluke, so I repositioned you on your tummy to see your ‘trick’ again. You preformed. It is clear that you are able to officially roll. It is a true accomplishment as this means your strength is growing. To watch you hold up your head and peek up is one of my beloved looks. To see you with your wrinkled forehead and big eyes opened wide as you stretch up is priceless.
Kaden adores you. You are taking more and more to your big brother. He is persistently in your face or touching you. He feels that you need a pacifier or bottle at all times. He will also le t me know when you have had enough of my attention as he points to you and walks over to the bouncer, swing or pack and play and points at it. This means: deposit Ashton here, now, thanks. He holds you and it is the sweetest of sweets. Every afternoon he puts in his 1 minute holding duty. He caresses your head and kisses your hands before he starts to push you by your neck to get down. Don’t you worry it sounds worse than it is; I am there the whole time!
In the last weeks you smile and coo. You have a whole lot to say! Your coos are loud and no longer sound as if it is a wind up for a cry. It is not only obvious to me, but others that I am your most favorite people, place and thing. You love me. I love this! I know it won’t last forever, so I savor these days of you being all mine. You are my baby and I am going to have a hard time letting go.
You are sleeping through the night. You fall asleep around 8:15 and wake around 4:40. You are becoming more scheduled. We have a long way to go, but I think in the next 6 weeks all the kinks will be worked out. This means that you and Kade will be on the same schedule. This will be a true gift to mommy. However, I do take much delight in our quiet evening dates. We gaze at one another and have our evening chats. You listen so attentively. This gives me great pleasure. I move away and it is instantaneous that you are dissatisfied and the screams begin. I rush back and resume.
I look forward to the days ahead, but try to remember to be present in today. These months have been exhausting, exhilarating, sad and joyful. I am constantly learning how to be my best. It has taken us a while to find our groove, but baby we are dancing now.
I wonder at three months of age do you know how loved you are? Can you feel it?
Sara Fakhroo-Wheeler That is too sweet!