Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Today was a day that takes me back to fond childhood memories: SNOW DAYS.

Snow days were special, no magical. They were the days Mom (GG) made hot cocoa with warm milk. We would eat grilled cheese sandwiches or fresh homemade cookies. As cold as it might have been outside these were days of comfort.

We were not your ‘outdoorsy’ family. On the rare snow days we had year-to-year we may or may not have the proper attire. We wouldn’t always have mittens or gloves. On the off years she would wrap our hands in old socks. Yep, we wore old athletic socks on our hands. It worked like a charm.

As we were not ‘outdoorsy’ we didn’t play hard in the snow. A snowman here and a snowball there, but most of the time we just walked around. Jana is only a few years my senior and due to Grammy and Papa living two houses down she would join Uncle Jake and I out on our street. Since the street was a short dead end we would ‘skate’ in our KEDS down the road. We also used our feet as sleds. We would stand tall and others would push us by our backs down the slick street.

These days were full of amusement, friends and family. A time of enjoyment for those in play and as well as for those having a quiet moment tucked away inside.

We went up the mountain with Ta-Ta and played in the snow. It was a first for you both.

The four of us had a delightful time. Kaden you built a snowman. It was only as tall as my shin due to the snow being fresh powder.

We blew bubbles into the snow drift.

Ashton you were so bundled you literally fell face first into the snow. You laid there content dipping your face into the snow eating it.

I was unprepared without a hat or proper gloves. It wasn’t cold, but wet.

On these snow days, I find I am repeating my childhood comforts. We are drinking steamed cocoa and snacking on fresh baked brownies. We eat grilled sandwiches and chicken noodle soup. Our house has a draft, but I have never felt warmer!

And, yes, you had mittens…


  1. Boys, do you know how lucky you are? You have a mommy and daddy who understand the importance of having fun and being adventurous. They aren't worried about you getting wet or muddy, they understand you are washable. They understand the importance of expanding your world and cultural experiences.
    I am one lucky Auntie to be able to share in a lot of those experiences. It just warms me to the core to see you two enjoy something for the first time (or second, third, fourth). And believe it or not, some of these are a first for me too! And it's just as fun for this old Auntie as it is for you!

  2. Ah yes, GG did put your mommy in socks for mittens. And she also put plastics bags over shoes, in hopes of keeping dry. And GG was a maniac about things not getting "messy and dirty". Your uncle Jake and a friend had rode their bikes through mud puddles (in the winter)and before I would allow them in the house, I took the outside hose to them. It was freezing cold, but they laughed. I have learned a lot through your eyes, Mister and Sprite, and I would let you inside - dirty - and maybe even let you smudge my face with your dirty hands. Maybe..... xxxooo
