Friday, March 18, 2011


Okay, so here is the deal. I am behind. It seems the month of February had our family in and out of Providence so frequently that I was unable to focus on writing. I have been spending the last several weeks getting us back on track. I am not ahead, but caught up!

I DO NOT like back posting. However, far to much has happened not to post. So, I am going to go back and plug in our story. I have a few pieces already created ie Ashton's 'amputated' finger and of course his first birthday letter, which I wrote at the beginning of the year. Kaden had his tonsils removed and figured out how to escape his room as well as finds himself back in his crib. All of these are days I want to hold tightly and not forget. I want and need to record these events.

As I back post I will simply put a blurp in that reads, "Go to (insert date here) for (insert summary here) to catch up!

I look forward to sharing what is far behind us to begin sharing what is ahead.

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