Pinch me. Is it true? Am I REALLY clapping and making a fuss when I go ‘pee-pee’ on the potty? Yep. My two year old celebrates me for doing what I have been doing for 30ish years. Thank you, Kaden. I appreciate your support, but think you want to give it a try?
I cannot go to the bathroom alone. As a woman there are times I need to be alone in the bathroom. It is rare I get this luxury. As with all mommy duties I make do and figure it out. When I sit on the toilet I am without fail asked the same two questions: Mommy going poo? Mommy going pee? To his disappointment I usually answer that I am going potty. In true sincerity he tilts his head puts his hand on my knee telling me “poo-poo is har(d). It okay.”
Again, thanks Kade! I got it.
I pull up my pants. I reach down to pull the toilet seat down before I flush. 99% of the time I am stopped by a little hand. “KK, see?” Sure. Why not? We look down into the bowl. Unfortunately, my example rarely inspires him to try. However, it does inspire him to be glad for me. He slams the seat down rushes to flush it and soon I hear clapping of hands and rejoicing yays. There he is with a big smile with absolute glee and amazement. I go pee in the toilet- another one of my super powers. I am a true super hero in the eyes of my toddler.
“(H)ug, mommy!” I get down on my knees. His little hands reach around my neck. He pulls away and cups my face with his two hands. I get a sweet kiss. He looks at me and with pride says, “Goo(d) job! potty traaaain!” The clapping starts again. I admit I even join. I keep thinking confetti will fall and a marching band will bust through the front door. I DID just go pee-pee in the potty.
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