Today we fed you 'solid' food. Actually, it was (dreaded) rice cereal. I don't know how we find ourselves feeding you from spoon to mouth. Truth be told, recently I had a conversation sharing that the single least favorite 'Mom Job' on my list is solid feeding. I rush through it. I feel like it takes forever! And today, there you were sitting in your Bebe Pod with Daddy ready to take photos of your first feeding. I cannot believe we are entering this stage!
I have a confession, I hesitated in feeding you. I held the spoon with a shaky hand. I held back the tears and felt my throat cramp. I looked over at Dad and he knew I was having a 'moment'. It is a feeding! What could I possibly have to become emotional over? Well, let me tell you. Once you took this first 'bite' my baby would be entering a new stage. A stage I was not ready to draw back the curtains to welcome new change. I cannot keep you boys as my littles, forever. I am a work in progress.
We have chosen to feed you after Kaden goes to bed. So, at 7:15 you get to eat your dinner. Sorry! Your older brother has been abundantly generous in trying to give you sips of chocolate milk and bites of goldfish crackers. We deter him from this, so we don't want to confuse him! As far as he knows you are only hitting the bottle. Shhh!
I gave you your first bite. I thought you would gag. You have such a quick reflex. To our surprise you did just fine. We giggled at your bitter face, but all in all you did great. It took you a while to get the hang of what we were doing. You drooled the cereal out of your mouth and I would scoop it back in. After a few 'bites' we noticed you were tiring. We take for granted our muscle memory. Eating is a lot of work!
Soon enough you will have steak and chocolate cake, but for now let us look forward to introducing you to pears. And Mom will look forward to sleep filled nights now that we have a full tummy. Deal?
Jana Blackburn Bosshardt no way?? he is eating food now.. wahh, This makes ME emotional.. he is getting old too fast.. slow down ash baby ..slow down...