Happy 4th of July! What a great day it was. It was smack dab in the middle of Daddy’s three day weekend and not a single drop of rain! We couldn’t get much luckier… We had a great dinner and watched fireworks to celebrate the day. Kaden even stayed up two hours past his bedtime. It was a true party.
We went shopping at the TNT tent for some toddler friendly fireworks. Since Kade’s bedtime is 7:00 and it isn’t dark until 10:00 we needed day friendly options. We found minimal noise and bright colored ones. We spent the afternoon at the Fradenburg’s enjoying friendship and a great bbq dinner. Kade enjoyed playing with their oldest daughter who is three while Ashton cooed along with their youngest daughter who is four days older! We headed home around 7:00 to begin the personal show.
Daddy lit the fireworks out on the street as Kade sat on Papa’s lap in the driveway. You were in awe. Ashton you slept through the show. You remained in the car in your car seat happy as a clam. I am surprised you slept through all the festivities! You sure looked adorable doing it! As Dad lit each firework we had a rule that Kade had to be seated in the same place. Dad would light the wick (with some torch like thing) and the show would begin. We would hear you blowing and your see your hand reaching towards the street saying, “Ha! Ha! Ha!” This is your version of hot. It was really sweet.
Now when we go out to the drive way you point to the street alerting me that it is “ha” with your arm extended to it.
Every year keeps getting better and better. Next year we will once again see fireworks for the first time as Ashton views the show. I am sure Kaden will want to be far more hands on and we will have to stop in order to remind him to stay seated!
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