Sunday, August 18, 2013

Tough Gig

Being the Mother of three and four year old boys is a tough gig. It is hectic. It is draining. It is overwhelming and exhausting. The days are long. It is a challenge to be sane. There are days I wonder how we will get through the next minute.

I spend my days correcting name calling ie “stupid head”. I am the enforcement of manners. I am the controller of apologies given with a hug versus eye-rolls. I am the referee of physical arguments from toy throwing to bicycle hit and runs. I am the sharing police of equal time to play with a toy we have an identical one, but “it is not the same”. I am the maid picking up only to repeat the same pick up within minutes. I am the hygiene committee sanitizing the hands that secretly washed dirty “unders” in the toilet. I am the make me a snack, get me a drink, the dogs ate my snack and find my drink in ten minutes time person.

I am the voice raising, counting to three, time setting timeout person. I am the give me a moment by locking the bathroom door to breathe person. I am the let us stay home as it is too much work to go out person. I am the hold your ground make no compromise during a tantrum person. I am the fall on the couch during your rest and take a nap person. I am the count down to bedtime to prepare to repeat the above the very next day person. I am the “I wonder how we will get through tomorrow?” person.

You wrap your arms around my neck and I ask, “What was your favorite part of your day?” Kaden, you always answer the same. It is music to my heart as I hear your predictable answer with a beaming, “Everything!” Ashton, you pinpoint your choice and give great detail. I get lost as I listen to your perspective of the same day.
It comes to me.
I remember you are three and four years old—17 months a part in age. You’re simply being who you are supposed to be at these ages.

You fall into my arms. I become conscious that my correcting, policing, enforcing, sanitizing, reminding and controlling is to raise good people. To raise good people is tiring. Gauging how tired I am you two boys will grow to become great people! Truth is told, I would repeat each day as it ensures one more day spent with you both. It may sound as though I take parenthood for granted, but I assure you it is one I am forever grateful to experience all the minutes.

This tough gig is a gift and you better believe I know it.

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