Friday, May 27, 2011

15 Month Mile Marker

Ashton all of the sudden I am looking at a tiny toddler. There is no way the baby is already fifteen months old! I watch as you constantly learn more of the world. I observe you as you meet new challenges and find your own solutions. You are developing at a rapid rate. A rate I feel is so quick I am only getting a glimpse.

It is mile marker 15 months…

You walk up and down stairs. We only have three steps in the house, but you have decided it appropriate to walk up and down the wood steps. I feel my heart stop with each upward lift of your right leg. You balance and bring your left up to meet your right foot. You repeat this two more times until you reach the level you are headed.

Mama is your favorite word. Everyone is Mama. I know you know I am THE Mama. You being the smart little cookie that you have figured out that all will turn to you direction when you say it.

You are learning to communicate. If you want something you will say, “Mama” and point to your desire. Today you stood in the kitchen. You saw a box of chocolate cookies on the counter. You repeated “Mama!” with a point and a loud scream. I could not stop laughing. This point and scream has occurred again and again. I know I need to redirect you, but these first few days let me giggle and give it to you.

You are able to say “nye-nye” and at bedtime you smack your lips to kiss everyone. As we head into the hall you wave until we get into your room. You love to kiss. You smack for kisses throughout the day.

When I come to get you after a nap or a nights rest you make me smile as I hear your sweet little voice, “Hi!” echo in the room. You smile and wait to be picked up. You rarely are waiting standing at the crib rail. You like to be picked up from your back. You just hang out cooing and visiting with yourself until we get you.

Your teeth are coming in one-by-one. You have four teeth with one more on the way.

I love that you are still in 6-9 month shirts and 9 month pants. You are my little guy. I ask others if it is just me or if you are petite. Measuring against your best friends, the Adam’s boys, you my dear will always be on the ‘smaller’ side.

You have an appreciation for dance and music. You hear a tune and clap and wiggle. You will let me hold you in my arms and swirl and whirl around the room until I say no more. You will then scream for more. I am old becoming way to dizzy, so this one I don’t give on!

Chicken is a favorite dish and you are enjoying ice cream. Ice cream is a favorite over anything else sweet. You have started to venture out trying new items on the menu. I am thankful we have always offered you two what we are eating. You are pickier than Kaden, but slowly you are coming around. This could be from a recent bottle ban. You are forced to branch out! At any rate whatever the reason I won’t question it.

1 comment:

  1. Fifteen months. Goodness, goodness, goodness! Ashton, my little shadow, you still look like a baby to me, and it's hard for this old brain to wrap around the fact that you are walking and starting to talk. I had the same problem with KK, so I'll adjust :) Just don't be in such a hurry!!
