In high school I first heard the beauty of these words: “il dolce far niente“. And throughout my life these words have come to me as a reminder to slow down. Life is so fast. It is in a constant state of motion. Anyone who knows me knows my life (and yours) is in a constant state of planning. I definitely need to practice the Italian nature of living and “il dolce far niente“.
I have a life makeover resolve for 2011. I will share this in more detail throughout the year. I have several goals to meet this resolution. I hope to meet each by the years end. The one goal of letting go and just be is the hardest for me. It forces me to look straight in the mirror- right at myself- and have to admit I am lost.
I plan because it allows me to keep my course.
It allows me control.
By control I do not mean over people, places and things. I mean control of time of how I will enjoy each day’s blessings. I have learned that in doing this it is control over those around me, however, unintentional and meant with the utmost love. In planning is how I fill my plate with all those I love and all I want to experience. I don’t want to miss a thing. I don’t want you to miss a thing, either. I want your childhood to be full. I want the life with my husband and marriage to be full.
What does full mean?
I do not know.
What is enough?
I do not know.
I know I must appreciate life, but also delight in “il dolce far niente“. It is during these moments life can be at its fullest… unplanned and in this more special. I think looking ahead and knowing what is to come allows my course to feel safe. I know what is to come. After all I did plan it.
Ahem, and I do plan some pretty darn good events and occasions.
So, today I am focusing more on “il dolce far niente“. I want to embrace its meaning. I deserve as does this family to live freely and with fluidity. This coming season let us sit back and enjoy ‘the sweetness of doing nothing’ and see what joy and adventure comes our way from the unknown.
I won’t lie. I am nervous, for this is outside of anything I am comfortable with. However, to be uncomfortable means I am being challenged. To be challenged is a sign of growth. This year I am rising up to meet myself. I am working towards becoming a better me and in turn a better partner, mother, daughter, sister and friend.
Here is to “il dolce far niente“ the ‘sweetness of doing nothing’ enjoying one another and all that will grace us.
Boys, you have NO idea how huge this is! Probably one of the biggest leaps ever by your momma. And you know what? We may all have to remind her at times, but we are up for the task of "il dolce far niente"!