Happy half a year, Sprite! I cannot believe that today you are six months old. I say it all of the time and I will write it today- where does the time go? It is amazing how quickly the time has passed and in this very fine amount of time how much you have grown. I am so enjoying learning about who you are and watching you look at the world as you figure it out. All who know you are blessed, for you are a little piece of tangible love. How fantastic you are!
Tidbits of you:
Rolling. You are scary fast. I can set you on the floor and before I know it you have found your way under the chair or propped up on the side of your jumper.
Tummy time has always been a favorite.
You drool more than any child I have ever seen. You soak your clothes in minutes.
You puke 134 times a day. Thus you are naked much of the day.
In a millisecond you can go from 0-100 and be very upset.
You see me and instantly smile.
Bath time is my favorite time with you. You love the water and stay so quiet with delight and relaxation.
You do not sleep through the night. You are up 1-2 times.
The evenings hold our special time. It is quiet and dark and we cuddle and visit going over the day.
You love to chew on ANYTHING: blankets, fists, clothes, toes, washcloths, toys and the like.
Cat naps reenergize you.
Wiggly. If I had to choose one word to describe you it would be wiggly. You move and squirm so much there have been actual moments I thought I would drop you.
I am surprised how you entertain yourself for such long periods of time. You can play under your gym or be on a blanket completely content for an hour or more.
You love tv. Sigh
When you are kissed you want more. You love to be kissed, repeatedly. Great Grandma Church adores this about you kissing you over-and-over again.
You love to be under a tree watching the leaves move and feel the breeze.
You observe with a watchful and serious eye.
I think you talk more than your brother and that I didn't know would be possible!
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