Ashton, you are two months old and coming into your own little personality. I admit that it has taken family; friends and even I time to stop comparing you to your older brother. We don’t do this because you live in his shadow or will be forced to compete with him. As first time parents we only have our one experience (including looks, behavior and etc) to compare and contrast to your beginnings. It is no secret that you looked similar to Kaden at birth, which took us all back to the memories already in place as we made our new ones with you. As we have done this we are and have been aware you are your own person; and we have patiently waited to learn who this person is…
I remember telling Daddy you were going to be our serious baby. It was a few weeks before you were born. It was early evening and we were sitting on the couch feeling you move inside of me. I was guessing you were a smaller baby, for you never jabbed me, but you wiggled and moved. At this same time I expressed that I believed you were going to be a little person who took life in with more caution and observation. I have no idea why I felt this about you. A mother’s instinct?
You are very serious. You are almost too serious and it brings me laughter. You take time to warm up to smiling or cooing. A coo sounds like a cry and a smile can quickly turn upside down. You observe with great intensity. You don’t blink as you absorb one thing at a time. You don’t get distracted by what surrounds your focal point. I love watching you notice new things. It allows me to see beauty and simplicity in what surrounds us.
You are a tricky little guy. You have lungs, son. When you are not happy it is clear. We can watch red fill your face from the neck up. You will scowl and frown. Your body will overheat and it goes south ever so quickly. Your personality is much like mine: black and white. You know what you want and how it ‘should’ be. You have figured out your needs much quicker than I. I like to think that I am catching on.
Touch is important to you. As I am extremely hands on and a touchy feely personality I relish in this. I don’t have to say a word, but in touching your face, arm or leg you are soothed. You find comfort having skin-to-skin contact. We will indulge this by having Dad take his shirt off or I will change into a tank top placing your little naked body against our skin. You love water. The bath is comforting and brings you joy. You are a cheerful kid after bathing. I think we will have two water boys on our hands. This Mama should learn how to swim!
You are happiest sitting straight up propped in our arms or against our chest. You like to face the world. I hope you will continue to face the world as you do today in that you do so with your eyes wide open keeping your head high and open to what gifts are offered daily to your life. May you always always always remain interested in learning and seek new experiences. It is amazing the know-how an infant has. Hold tight to these abilities as they are innate, but often become ignored. As adults we seem to lose sight of these important life skills.
I look ahead and see you as the boss, not the baby. If I dare to make a prediction I envision you as the leader and the one who pushes the limits. I can’t wait to grow with you. I know there is much more to learn as you explore and discover. I look forward to meeting the older Ashton, but I will hang tight to this little person I know now.
I love you, Sprite Guy.